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Summary Care Record opt out

Summary Care Record Opt Out

Rosebank Health offers its patients the choice of having a Summary Care Record. The new NHS Summary Care Record has been introduced to help deliver better and safer care and give you more choice about whom you share your healthcare information with.

What is the NHS Summary Care Record?

The Summary Care Record contains basic information about:

  • any allergies you may have,
  • unexpected reactions to medications,
  • any prescriptions you have recently received

The intention is to help clinicians in A & E Departments and ‘Out of Hours’ health services to give you safe, timely and effective treatment. Clinicians will only be allowed to access your record if they are authorised to do so and, even then, only if you give your express permission. You will be asked if healthcare staff can look at your Summary Care Record every time they need to, unless it is an emergency, for instance, if you are unconscious. You can refuse if you think access is unnecessary.

Children under the age of 16

Patients under 16 years will have a Summary Care Record created for them unless their GP surgery is advised otherwise. If you are the parent or guardian of a child then please either make this information available to them or decide and act on their behalf.

You do not have to have a Summary Care Record, although you are strongly recommended to consider this choice. If you are happy for a Summary Care Record to be set up for you then you need take no further action. If you want to opt-out now, please tick the box below, fill out the relevant details and submit this form as soon as possible.


Section A

If you are filling this form on behalf of another person or child please ensure you fill their details in section A and your details in section B.
Please use this date format: DD/MM/YYYY.
Any responses we send will go to this email address.

Section B

If you are filling this form on behalf of another person or child please ensure you fill their details in section A and your details in section B.