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Stroke support

  • Stroke Discharge

    A member of the stroke coordinator service will see you at home within one month of discharge from hospital. Follow up appointments can be arranged when you feel you want information, support and practical advice on issues and problems related to your stroke.
    The Stroke Early Supported Discharge Team provide:
    – Support and education at home for people living with the effects of stroke in the community.
    – Education through the Life after – Stroke Programme for self management of the effects of stroke.
    – Support and advise to the carers of stroke survivors in the community and signposting them to support services.
    – Involvement on educational programmes for anyone involved in the care of stroke patients in community hospitals/acute hospitals trust/social services and care homes.


  • Stroke

    A stroke causes damage to the brain. A common cause of stroke is a blood clot that forms in a brain blood vessel (artery). Immediate treatment may include a clot-busting medicine to dissolve the blood clot. Other treatments include medication to reduce risk factors for further strokes. Rehabilitation is a major part of treatment.
    Disability following a stroke depends on factors such as the part of the brain affected, how quickly treatment was given and the extent of the damage to the brain. Call for an ambulance immediately if you suspect someone is having a stroke.


  • Gloucester Stroke CAFE

    The purpose of the Gloucester Stroke CAFE (C – creative, A – active, F –  fun for E – Everyone) is to give support to its members and enable them to meet other stroke survivors in a social atmosphere.

    Gloucester and Cheltenham stroke café | Stroke Association

  • Anticoagulants

    Stroke prevention medicines are called anticoagulants. These help to stop blood clots forming in your blood vessels.
    Anticoagulants are medicines that prevent the blood from clotting as quickly or as effectively as normal.
    Warfarin, an anticoagulant, will be prescribed if you have an unwanted blood clot or at risk of having one.

    Anticoagulants (Blood Thinners): Treatments and Side Effects